In silico protein engineering

In silico protein engineering
Master BiotechnologiesParcours Biotechnologie et analyse haut débit (HD)


Objectives in terms of knowledge (course content) :

  • Basics principles of molecular modelling
  • Potential energy function of biological macromolecules
  • Energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulations
  • 3D modelling of macromolecular structures
  • Role of dynamics and motion in biological function.
  • Biotechnological applications of molecular modelling


Compétences visées

Objectives in terms of acquired skills :

  • Students should gain enough general knowledge in modelling to understand and critically analyze a publication in the field, with relevance to biotech applications
  • They’ll acquire technical knowledge in performing basic modelling task
  • The goal is also to further integrate sequence-structure-function relationships of biomolecules with an understanding of bio-engineering applications


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement