Fundamentals of bioproduction

Fundamentals of bioproduction
Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'École supérieure de biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS)Parcours Diplôme d'ingénieur en biotechnologie


Phénomènes de transport:

  • Mécanique des fluides, agitation, transfert de chaleur, transfert de matière.Opérations unitaires des bioprocédés :
  • Bioréacteurs, centrifugation, homogénéisation, chromatographie liquide, filtration tangentielle, extraction liquide-liquide, bilan matières, bilans thermiques. Contenus des TD :
  • Des exercices associés à chacun des chapitres du cours permettent une mise en application des concepts exposés durant ce cours

Compétences visées

Students are educated in basic biotechnological process engineering subjects to perform and design upstream and basic downstream processes including :

  • Growth kinetic of microorganism and essential kinetic parameters for a improved controlling the bioprocess including sterilization kinetics of cultivation media
  • Choice and design of bioreactors and mode of operation depending on the process conditions
  • Basics in mixing, aeration and mass transport of aerobic bioprocesses
  • Basics in measurement and instrumentation of bioreactors
  • Overview of selected downstream processes

Additionally the students learn about different mechanisms of heat transfer and kinetics such as

  • heat conduction and Fourier’s law with respect to different geometries,
  • heat convection and
  • the Nußelt-similarity-theory together with dimensionless characteristics.

Furthermore they are taught how to the design and scale a continuous destillation as an example for a thermal separation process together with its balancing with respect to mass and energy and the visualisation in a McCabe-Thiele-diagram.