Support the Ecole Superieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg!
The apprenticeship tax: you choose where you want to deposit your money!
Take part in the development of the ESBS and contribute to train your future engineers and collaborators by depositing to the ESBS all of your apprenticeship tax amount or part of it.
The tax collecting and redistribution procedure have changed. From 2023, this tax will be collected by URSSAF (French Social security collections agency) and the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (French Agricultural Social Security), that will transfer it to the Caisse des Dépôts (Deposits Fund). The distribution will be done online via the national platform SOLTéa, specially created for the tax apprenticeship distribution.
How to deposit your apprenticeship tax to ESBS?
1° - Log in to the SOLTéA platform
2° - Search for "ESBS" and select the school as your recipient using the documents called “Fiches RNCP” (reference: RNCP4282) or
- Using our business name: École Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg
- Using the following reference: 0672504H
- Using our SIRET number:13000545700093
3° - Fill in the credits you want to give to ESBS.
Download here the 2024 APPRENTICESHIP TAX brochure